Step1: Click on a "New" toolbar, choose "Project" or Go to File(Alt+F), Hover on "New" and Click "Project".
Then a Dialog Box will pop up and expand the Java folder and choose either create a "Java Project" or "Java Project on existing Ant File" and click Next and Enter the File name (it should not contain the character "/") and then click Finish.
Step2: Create a new Java Package. click on the icon at the toolbar or Go to New then Project then click Package.
The Dialog Box will pop up, click on the Browse button and choose the name of your folder who recently created. The name of your source folder is the same to the name of your Java File. Expand the folder the click the scr folder then you must enter the name of your package (the name of your package should start at a lowercase character) then click Finish.
The Dialog Box will pop-up, be sure you browse the correct path of the project source folder and the project package folder and then enter the Java Class Name (usually it is started in uppercase character), check the "public static void main(String[] args" if you like to set the class as your main class otherwise uncheck it. Then Click Finish. There you have it. Now you have your Java Class :).
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